Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Latest News

Whew! Well, it's been a very busy last couple of weeks, for me. Both personally, and with Sand Dollar Rodeo. Last week, of course, was Thanksgiving week. I took some time off from my day job, but still seemed just as busy. Among other things, I had to get my drivers license renewed, take care of some guitar maintenance, and put up Christmas lights!

Thanksgiving was a wonderful time. Am I thankful, for anything? You bet I am! I have been blessed beyond belief. I have a wonderful, immediate and extended family, as well as some great friends! I've finally found a great musical project that I am super excited about, and to top it all off, Christmas is coming! I love this time of year. I'm also thankful for the roof over my head, and a car that starts every time. I celebrated a birthday, on the 24th of this month, and couldn't have asked for a better day! I'm thankful for another year on this earth, and looking forward to what 2013 has in store for me. I know this may not seem like much, but it is to me, and it seems like a lot of times, we take these types of blessings for granted. I know that I have been guilty of that, in the past. I have so many other things to be thankful for, that I could probably write a book about it.

On the SDR front, it has been a very busy, couple of weeks. Roy and I auditioned a percussionist, to help us with the live shows. I had previously met him, when I was working with the Talking Heads tribute band. We went through all the songs, and he picked them up quickly. After the rehearsal, we offered him the job, and he accepted. His name is Cisco, so when you see his name mentioned in future blog posts, you will know who I'm talking about. We all meshed really well, and I'm looking forward to a long, and fun, working relationship. I'm really glad that we did not have to place ads, and audition a lot of people.

This past weekend, Roy and I worked on the upcoming album. We made a lot of progress, and are really excited about it. We completed the music tracks for two new songs, and will spend this upcoming weekend, recording, as well. December will be a very busy month as we alternate between recording, and getting ready for the upcoming live shows.

Speaking of live shows, Marti booked another show for us. We will be making our first appearance in Weatherford, Texas, on Friday, February 15, 2013. We will be playing at Boozers. Showtime is 9pm. If you are in the area that day, drop on by and see us! It will be a good time. For more information on Boozer's, you can check out their website here Marti is also working on several other shows. She has so many irons in the fire, right now, that I can't keep up with them all. This is a very good thing though, so I'm not complaining!

Roy has been hard at work, as well. He has totally overhauled, and redesigned our website. You can check it out here Roy has also started a blog, of his own, called Holliday Road. His blog will primarily focus on the details of each SDR live show, including, the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. Here is a link to his blog or you can find a link to it on the official SDR website, listed above. So, what are you waiting for? Go check it out! Their should be some interesting stories coming up.

Well, that about wraps it up for now. Until next time, as Jerry Springer would say, "Take care of yourselves and each other." And to Maury, "No, I am NOT the father!" Talk to ya soon, and stay safe out there!

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