Thursday, January 30, 2014

Round 3 At Railhead

This past weekend flew by. We played at the grand opening for Independent Ale Works, in Krum on Saturday afternoon, and then met with a potential keyboard player on Sunday afternoon. I spent a lot of time driving this weekend. I know, that's right up Roy's alley. As for me, I can take it or leave it. While it's not my favorite thing to do, it's also not horrible. Independent Ale Works is 56 miles from my house, so I drove 112 miles total, on Saturday. Roy lives about 38 miles from me, so I tacked on another 76, on Sunday. So between the two days, I burned a half a tank of gas, and spent about 3 hours in the car.

The main thing was the time, though. We hit the ground running, Saturday morning. My daughter had a basketball game. I loaded up, prior to going to the game, and then left straight from the game to go to Krum. I arrived home about 6pm Saturday. I unloaded, showered, and grabbed a bite to eat. By this time, it was well after 7pm. My girls were spending the night with their grandmother. We watched something on TV (I honestly don't remember what it was) at this point. By 10pm, I'm pretty sure I was asleep in my chair. My wife woke me up, to go to bed, and that was it. Party like a rock star, right?

The next morning, I got up, grabbed some breakfast, and went to the grocery store with my wife. By the time we got back, it was time to pack up and head to Roy's. It felt like I had hardly been home, from Saturday, before it was time to head out again. I'm not complaining about it. I love what we are doing, but man it felt hectic, this past weekend.

We met with Trey, on Sunday afternoon, and went over all of the material for the Railhead gig. The plan was for Trey to sit in with us, at this one gig. However, things went so well, that we asked Trey to come onboard full time. We all got along great, and I know he will fit in just fine with Tony and Brian. I'm really excited about this. Trey is a great player, and will enhance our sound immensely.

Trey will be joining us on stage, this Saturday night at the Railhead Smokehouse in Willow Park. The Railhead is located at 120 S. Ranch House Road. Downbeat will be at 7:30pm. I've personally heard from quite a few people, that will be attending. The patio area, where the bands play, is an indoor/outdoor area. I'm almost certain that it will be closed off, due to the cold weather. When the area is closed off, their is not near as many seats and tables, as when it's open. If your planning on attending, I would highly recommend that you call the Railhead and reserve a table. They can be reached at 817-441-2525, and they do take table reservations, on band nights.

The Railhead seems to be our baptism by fire, venue. This was where Tony played his first show with us, and now it will be Trey's. It's a fun place, and if you haven't ever been, then I urge you to c'mon on out on Saturday night. They have plenty of great barbeque, and cold drinks. Both of the alcoholic and non alcoholic variety. Kids are welcome, so don't let that stop you. They even have a play area for the kids.

This is a hometown gig for me. The venue is a whopping 4.5 miles from my house. No long drives for me, this weekend, so that will be nice. Ok, that's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see ya, Saturday!

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