Thursday, March 13, 2014

Under New Management

How goes it? Well, it's been awhile since I've been on here. Way too long, in fact. Things have been really busy with the band though. Mostly, behind the scenes stuff, but still busy. It's been so busy that I kind of lost track of time, and just realized that I haven't put out a blog post in several weeks. Sorry about that, I know you've just been chomping at the bit, to see what I'm gonna say next, lol.

We did play a show, since the last time I was on here. It was a private party, for some real good friends of mine, that occurred on March 1st. The party was held at a new club called Buckle's. This place used to be know as Wet Willie's, Dirt Roads Dancehall, and then some biker bar. Roy and I actually played at this place in January 2013. It had just changed names from Wet Willie's to Dirt Roads Dancehall. We had a fun night and all, but never made it back out there.

The new owners, have really gone all out. They've put a lot of work into the place and it really shows. I'm really pulling for them, and hope they make it this time. They have a super friendly staff, so if your in the area, you should check it out sometime.

Right now, they are not booking live music on a regular basis. From my understanding, the plan is to ease into it, with maybe a show or two every month or so. I can understand that. They do not want to charge a cover charge, so any band that plays, will have to be paid out of that night's bar receipts. Roy and I are hoping to play out there again, and if we do, we will be sure and let you know about it.

I have some other big news, that I would like to share with you. As many of you know, we've been managing and booking ourselves, for quite some time now. Roy and I have been spending so much time on the business side of the band, that we've hardly had any time to work on any new material. As stated a few weeks ago, we have quite a few new songs, in various stages of completion. We have managed to complete one new original, called Good Time. We played it for the first time, at the party, the other night. For the most part though, it seems like something comes along, that requires our immediate attention, and then that pushes the new songs back. Most of these items are related to booking, marketing and promotions.

We've been keeping an eye out for an agent/management company, for a little while now. It's nothing that we've been obsessing over, but it's been in the back of our mind. The main thing for us, was to find someone that we are comfortable with, and that understands our vision.

Roy had a company recommended to him a few weeks ago. He passed the information along to me, and asked if I wanted to give them a call. I told him I would, and called them later that day. I spoke to a guy named Clint, later that evening. We had a great visit, and scheduled a dinner meeting, for the following week.

We met with Clint, and his partners, the following week and had a great meeting. We were able to get the details of the contract ironed out, over the next couple of days, and are now officially being represented by Refuge Music Company.

Clint Parker will now be handling all of our bookings and management. If you are interested in booking us, please contact Clint here We are really excited to be working with Refuge Music Company, and can't wait to see what the future has in store, for all of us.

Alright, alright! That's all I've got for now. Stay tuned, and I'll talk to ya soon!

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