Thursday, April 24, 2014

Martin House Round 2

Ahh... spring is finally in the air. I think old man winter has finally petered out, around here. Last weekend, Roy and I got a taste of the spring weather at Cobra Brewing. The weather was gorgeous and about 80 degrees, without a cloud in the sky. This turned out to be an outdoor gig, our first since October of last year. We both ended up sunburned, as we didn't think about packing any sunscreen. Honestly, we didn't know what to expect as we had never visited Cobra Brewing before. The thought of being outside never crossed our minds. Oh well, we have several outdoor shows coming up this spring, so I guess I better throw the sunscreen into the gig bag. You can read more about last weeks gig, on Roy's blog found here

So, last November, we played at Martin House Brewing Company, for the first time. It's located right in the heart of Fort Worth. The address is 220 S. Sylvania Ave., Suite 209, Fort Worth, TX 76111. I remember it being a cold and dreary day. I get cold really easily, so I dressed in layers. Not only did I have my heavy jacket, but I also wore a flannel long sleeve shirt and a long sleeve t-shirt. I was really glad I did, as we found out that the inside of the brewery does not have heating, or air conditioning. We had a great time though and booked a follow up show, that next Monday. They are booked pretty far out, as April 26th was the first available date that they had. We jumped on it, so here we are.

This Saturday will be a lot different then the last time, weather wise. We are looking at a high of 88. When we were visiting with them, the last time, they mentioned that they like to have the bands play outside, when the weather permits. I'm assuming that we will be outside this Saturday, unless it rains, but right now their is only a 10% chance. The tour runs from 2-5pm. The tour is actually more of an open house. You will be able to see all the brewery equipment, as you relax and enjoy the beers. You can hangout either indoors or out. They also provide some games like cornhole, washers, and ladder golf. Your welcome to bring your own games, as well. They do have limited seating, but you are free to bring your own chairs, tables, and shade implements. A tour, guided by one of the brewery employees will start in the back of the building around 4:30pm, and lasts about 20 minutes. They will tell you a bit about their history and how the company was started, and they will explain how they make beer and how all of the equipment works.

They are pet and family friendly, but due to local health codes, dogs must stay in the outside areas. Kids will too, if they get unruly! Ha ha!

Admission for the event is $10. The admission covers your pint glass and brewery tour, plus 3 pints of beer. The bar closes at 4:45pm. They do accept cash and credit cards. Also, the Crow Bros food truck will be on hand to dole out some tasty treats!

I don't know about you, but this seems like a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, in my opinion. Much better than yard work, don't ya think?

Ok, that's all I've got for now. We hope to see you Saturday. Stay tuned, and I'll talk at ya soon!

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